DA-BFAR 9 and DepEd Collaborate: Lampinigan Island Students Complete Aquaculture Work Immersion, Receive Solar Salt Desalination System

The Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Region 9 Integrated Mariculture Outreach Station (IMOS) partners with the Department of Education, Isabela City District – II, for the culmination program of Grade 12 TVL Aquaculture Students’ Work Immersion. The event was held on March 8, 2024 at Lampinigan National High School, Lampinigan Island, Isabela City, Basilan that marked the completion of the students’ 80-hour work immersion, a requirement for their graduation.

As part of the collaboration, BFAR 9 also donated a solar salt desalination system to Lampinigan National High School. This system serves as a Technology Demonstration for the school, showcasing Lampinigan Island’s potential for salt production. The turn over ceremony attended by Isabela’s OIC-City Fishery Officer Robert Aporado who represented BFAR 9, emphasized the commitment of these agencies to support educational institutions and advocate for sustainable aquaculture practices in the region.

The collaboration between BFAR 9 and DepEd Isabela City District – II not only benefits the students but also demonstrates the importance of integrating practical skills and knowledge into the educational curriculum. The work immersion program provides students with hands-on experience in aquaculture, preparing them for future careers in the fisheries sector.
