• TARGET: F/B Pagbabago, is a livelihood intervention of the DA-BFAR under its National Fisherfolk Program dubbed as Targeted
Actions to Reduce Poverty and Generate Economic Transformation or TARGET. F/B Pagbabago aims to uplift the economic status of
Filipino fisherfolk through the provision of disaster-resilient fishing boats and resource-appropriate fishing gears, while at the same
time empowering the fisherfolk and their families to become responsible resource users. The program is anchored on a
comprehensive approach to fisheries development following the Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) to ensure
the sustainability of the resource and shall integrate the development of both production and marketing channels to enable
fisherfolk to optimize economic returns, and thus improve their economic plight.
• The program shall have for its priority the following (i) the 725 coastal communities with established commonly-shared facility,
that is the Community Fish Landing Center (CFLC); (ii) areas with resource management programs in place; (iii) calamity-stricken
areas; and (iv) areas with potential/alternative fishing grounds, among others.
• Building on the development framework of TARGET program, the F/B Pagbabago program shall have following components:
(1) LGU partnership; (2) skills training on fabrication and/or repair of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic or FRP boats; (3) fabrication of
200T units FRP fishing boats (with cash for work) for replacement of worn-out or completely dilapidated wooden fishing boats
and deployment in potential/alternative fishing grounds; and (4) integration of the production and marketing value chains as well
as EAFM.
The Program is in line with the DA-BFAR’s mandate to “Improve fisheries productivity and empower stakeholders towards food security, global competitiveness and climate change adaptation.”
Program Objectives
1. Improve the socio-economic living status of the fisherfolk by providing appropriate fishing boats and fishing gears;
2. Promote and institutionalize responsible fishing and resource management measures in fishing community;
3. Provide supplemental livelihoods to fisherfolk through skills development in FRP boat-construction (with recognition by the
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) as National Competency or NC);
4. Promote post-harvest facilities and apply proper handling techniques of fish catches to maintain quality and increase value of
harvest; and
5. Provide channels for marketing of products.